Hey All
Well I suppose an introduction is in order. Hi, my name is Shane (don't worry about my last name, you have to be drunk or Irish to pronounce it properly) and I'm the weird guy behind this website (it's true, if you look behind your computer monitor you'll see a...na, I'm just messing with ya). Anywho, I want to thank you for stopping by and having a look at what we're doing here at Anticurse!
I started this brand as a lover of Jesus and as a designer/illustrator with a passion to create. Basically I was bored one day (that's not true, I haven't been bored since I was nine years old) and I figured, "Hey, I love Jesus, and T-shirts" and well, there you have it. My hope is that God will ultimately use this brand to reach non-believers with the Gospel of Jesus Christ by encouraging believers to share their faith and to be encouraged by the message of hope Anticurse embodies. You can check out our about page for more info on why we started the brand and what this all means.
As Anticurse is still in its infancy and will take time to mature and grow as all things do, I'm excited to continue to connect with people and see where God would take the brand. We've had a chance to start meeting and (hopefully) encourage other believers, and we have also been encouraged by them in their support. Starting something like this is always challenging in several ways, but if God ignites something in our hearts and minds to pursue, He'll be faithful to see it through to whatever conclusion He desires.
Much Love (and nice to meet you)...