Anticurse is a brand that seeks to explore ways of reaching people for Christ, and to encourage those who are out there doing just that. Using the gifts that God has given us, we want to glorify Him and connect with others in our own unique way. We believe in the preaching of the Gospel and we hope this brand will help that cause.



Wear a shirt, share the Gospel.

We are called to go and preach the Gospel and make disciples (Mark 16:15, Matthew 28:19). We hope that in some way this brand will help in bringing about conversations and opportunities to share the Gospel verbally with non believers and to encourage those that already do believe.

If you believe that Jesus is the Christ, and that salvation is through Him alone, don't be afraid to go out and tell someone about Him!



Because of man's original sin, we’re all born under the curse of sin and death. No one is able to meet God's requirement of keeping perfectly His law. Jesus came and did this for us, fulfilling the law and becoming the ultimate sacrifice for our sin. He died on the cross for our sakes, and on the third day He rose from the dead. Jesus is the only antidote for the dire situation that all mankind finds himself born into (Galatians 3:10-14).

Jesus is the only answer to this curse of death. Jesus is the Anticurse.



What this means is that Jesus wasn't just a good guy who came to show us how to be better people. Three Spikes, One God, All Love describes who He is and what He did.

Jesus actually went to the cross and died for us.

Jesus is actually God.

God is actually Love.

If you don't believe this, we pray that God will open up your heart and mind to His truth, and we beseech you to call out to Him to reveal Himself to you.


Much Love...

Anticurse family